West Haven Public School


Daily Announcments

Do you have a secret talent and are in grades 1-9? Can you sing, do stand up comedy or are a part of a band?  Well do we have a...

Daily Announcements

 There will be a grade 4-6 Track and Field practice today after school from 3:15-4:00 on the soccer field. Please make sure your parents know if you are staying today.Ms....

Beach/Hawaiian Day

Think a day at the beach! Grab your flip flops, sunglasses and big floppy hats!

Daily Announcements

Good luck to the elementary track and field athletes as they are off to Devon today to compete at the division track meet.  Run fast Wolverines!!  All track team members...

Daily Announcments

This week is Pride Week. Today’s colour is red and tomorrow is Yellow!

Week of Wheels

Students in all grades will be encouraged to "wheel" themselves to school this week in the hopes of winning some bicycle/scooter safety themed prizes